Featured Video Play Icon Alison Lewis —Presence of Heart (The Heartbeat Dress) Fiber-optic fabric with hand dyed silk detachable over layer and 28 LEDs synced a heart rate sensor ∕ ’’
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The Heartbeat Dress, also called "Presence of Heart" by Alison Lewis explores the complex relationship between technology, intimacy, and personal data. It is made up of a fiber-optic fabric illuminated under garment with hand dyed silk detachable over layer. It's 28 LEDs are synced to a heart rate sensor creating a real time display of the heartbeat through cascading rhythms of light.

My work is between the interactions of technology and design with a focus on how data and devices can create and expand upon or augment moments of vulnerably, courtship, and human emotion.

Christian Schmidt—Airbus Experience Center Laura Siegel—Laura Siegel SS16 Collection Film Bryan Ma—Definitions