Featured Video Play Icon Anneli Goeller —S3lf13_st*r ∕ ’’
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As a queer woman, there is little within straight, male, heteronormative Internet culture with which I can identify. This work is about defining a female queer narrative within the digital realm. Through the use of selfies, which are powerful agents of identity, I am creating an Internet that can include multiplicity while subverting the patriarchal heteronormative system. My works demonstrate dystopian phenomena through a post-apocalyptic aesthetic. They exist purely digitally, are representations of virtual landscapes not fully grounded to any one preexisting object in the natural world and are based in imagery that is representative of digital identity.

3D modeling software attempts to replicate the real, but in its failure to do so it becomes an alternate reality replicating the real within the virtual but not fully closing the gap. The disconnect that is a direct result of the digital has created a world overflowing with images that are devoid of meaning due to their sheer volume. My work stems from a database of digital images in which subjects range from documentation of past works, textures found in nature and, more recently, selfies. These images are mapped onto virtual sculptures and environments that I create.

Nate Ziller—Because Boobs Gabriel J. Shuldiner—SNAPHACK Erik Carter—YORRRRHOOOO