Misha Volf —Fodder ∕ ’’
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Fodder is a provocational, designed meal experience. The conscientious meat eater is offered a meal through which to "really get to know" the animal that's served as the main course, by eating a set of preceding dishes which are prepared from agricultural feedstuffs.

Misha Volf is a designer and researcher. His work narrates a world in which we are simultaneously actors, complicit perpetrators, and manipulated objects; a world, in other words, which, for better or worse, we build collectively. Taking the form of culturally informed encounters between persons, technologies, and spaces, the situations and experiences he devises strive towards a more meaningful, empathetically designed world.

Photos by Liam Quigley

Rachel Meade Smith—Building Bodies: Designing Order, Ideals, and Indeterminacy Michal Unterberg—Design and Dialectic of the Knowing Body in the Twenty First Century: When Artifacts are Imbued with Human Behaviors Laura Wing—Excert from: "A FORM TO CARE WITH: Design as a mode of action consonant with achieving a politics of small things"