Featured Video Play Icon Robert Yang —Radiator 2 ∕ ’’
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What if sex in video games was something we performed as players, instead of something we obtained as a reward? How can we convey or embody intimacy in a video game? Well, that's what Radiator 2 tries to do.

People often ask me why my games sexualize men, but not women. The answer is that video game culture already sexualizes (and harasses) women regularly. In contrast, sexualizing men is a radical act within video game culture -- it makes us question, who is the intended player, if it's not heterosexual men? What if a video game, for once, didn't care about what straight men think?

Motomichi Nakamura—"JACK" Sculptural Projection Mapping David Olenick—Abandoned Chip Ryan Reid—आमा / AAMAA